
The incidence of onychomycosis in farmers in Krajan Hamlet, Beji Village, Boyolangu District, Tulungagung Regency

  • Eka Puspitasari Eka puspitasari
Keywords: Onikomikosis Mushroom Nail Farmer


Onychomycosis is a nail disorder caused by fungal infections, both by dermatophytes, non-dermatophytes, and yeast with symptoms of damage to the nails, including the nails become thicker, cracked, uneven, not shiny, and there is a change in nail color to white, yellow, brown, to black. Onychomycosis can occur in farmers due to working directly in wet, damp and dirty places. This study aims to determine the incidence of onychomycosis in farmers in krajan Hamlet, Beji Village, Boyolangu District, Tulungagung Regency. This study is a descriptive study with Purposive Sampling sampling techniques and samples as many as 15 farmers who meet the criteria, examination of fungi using culture and microscopic methods on fungal colonies. The results showed that all respondents farmers infected with onychomycosis (100%) with 9 species of fungi found Trichophyton rubrum (21.43%), Rhizopus sp (21.43%), Penicillium sp (14.30%), Trichophyton mentagrophytes (10.71%), Trichophyton tonsurans (10.71%), Aspergillus niger (7.14%), Mucor sp (7.14%), Aspergillus flavus (3.57%), and Microsporum canis (3.57%). The presence of the fungus is due to the habit of farmers who do not wear personal protective equipment, do not regularly wash their hands and feet using soap, and pay less attention to nail hygiene. The conclusion of this study the incidence of onychomycosis in Farmers in Hamlet inKrajan Village Beji District Boyolangu Tulungagung Regency is very high as many as 15 people (100%). It is expected that farmers pay attention to nail hygiene, wash their hands and feet with soap, and wear personal protective equipment while working.


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How to Cite
Puspitasari, E. (2022). The incidence of onychomycosis in farmers in Krajan Hamlet, Beji Village, Boyolangu District, Tulungagung Regency . Medical Laboratory Analysis and Sciences Journal, 4(2).
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